Spirituality is a worldview and a way of life based on the belief that there is more to the universe than just purposeless mechanics, and more to our existence than our bodies and their needs. It involves a desire for meaning, peace, mystery and truth. It usually includes the idea that there is some higher form of inteligence or consciousness running the universe and that people can become closer to it. Spirituality can be religious or non-religious, and it can involve a wide variety of beliefs and practices.
For many people, the word “spirituality” brings up thoughts of new age healing, psychic powers, astrology and paranormal activities. For others, it may be associated with a religious faith or with yoga, meditation and the expansion of consciousness. For some people, it may mean being less attached to material possessions and focusing on the inner self instead of the outer self. For others, it is about serving humanity and making a positive difference in the world.
This article will examine what is known about the different dimensions of spirituality by looking at research that has been published to date. It will also discuss some of the common misconceptions about spirituality and how these can be overcome. Those who are interested in developing their own spirituality will find this information useful and can use it as a starting point for an exploration of what is meaningful to them.