An issue is a topic that people are discussing, often controversially. You might hear someone say, “He’s got some issues” referring to a person who has emotional problems or struggles with their identity. In the context of a blog, an article that talks about a specific topic is called an issue post.
The word “issue” derives from the Latin for sending out or putting forth. It’s used in the sense of a publication, such as a magazine or a set of stamps. It can also refer to something that’s been distributed or given out: an issue of food rations; an issue of blankets to flood victims.
Writing about the issues that are currently happening around the world is one of the most important things that a blogger can do. When an audience reads a well-written, balanced article about the world’s problems, they are more likely to feel compelled to take action and make a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate than themselves.
When choosing an issue to write about, look for topics that will spark interest and debate. The more controversial the subject, the more traction your article will get on social media and among readers. You may want to avoid subjects that are already overdone — such as the death of a celebrity or the latest controversy on a reality show.
If you want to write an issue-oriented blog post, decide on the one thing that really pushes your buttons and then think about how to frame it in a compelling way. Unless you’re a radio talk show host, don’t be afraid to express your own opinions, but be careful not to turn your blog into a rant-fest.